
Welcome to the Anglican Parish of Christ Church with the Church of the Good Shepherd !

Whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith, you are welcome here!

Our mission is to extend God’s love, sharing it within and beyond our community of faith. We pursue our mission through hospitality and welcome, through outreach and the promotion of justice, through prayer and proclamation, music and worship, and ongoing Christian formation.

Christ Church is located at 5 Lawrence Street, Amherst, NS. Our mailing address is P.O. Box 342, Amherst, N.S. B4H 3Z5.

To contact the church, we can be reached by phone at 902-667-2415 or by email at office@christchurchamherstns.ca.

Our rector, the Rev. Will Ferrey, can be contacted at the church or by email at rector@christchurchamherstns.ca.